21 Oct Oxytocin: The Love Drug!
{7 Reasons Why Oxytocin is so amazing…}
Oxytocin, also referred to as the ‘cuddle hormone’, is released by body contact. Even a simple handshake or a hug will release oxytocin in your brain at low levels. In the bodywork I do, oxytocin is highly involved due to the amount of prolonged skin contact and the sexual energy, which increases oxytocin levels even more. Afterwards, clients often report feeling loved, blissful, ecstatic, peaceful, relaxed, amidst buzzing and tingling sensations washing over the whole body. which I attribute partly to the release of oxytocin.
I wanted to write about some of the effects of oxytocin, then realised as I was writing that I could substantiate each of these points with an example from my massage clients! (Of course there are many other contributing factors, but still, it’s fascinating!)
So why is it so great and what does it do for us?
1. It helps us build intimacy in relationships
Oxytocin is essential in human bonding, it creates sexual arousal and helps men maintain their erections. It aids us in feeling more connected to our partners.
Couples often report feeling more in love and more connected after a couple Tantra massage session, or better yet, learning to give each other the massage and having regular massage nights at home!
2. It helps women to give birth
An important aspect of childbirth and mother-child bonding, oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions, and has been known to speed up contractions. For this reason it is sometimes administered by doctors as a drug during labour, in its synthetic version. After birth, mothers can establish intimacy and connection with their baby through touch.
It even works in other non-direct ways. After a massage session, one client reported feeling better connected to his 2 year old son than ever, feeling a kind of understanding between them that he had not experienced before.
3. It reduces social fears
Oxytocin can assist us in overcoming social inhibitions and fears due to its ability to break down social barriers, induce feelings of optimism and increase self-esteem. Studies are indicating that it may help treat debilitating shyness, mood disorders and post traumatic stress disorder.
One client reported feeling more social than she had in years, reconnecting with old friends after a long period of being isolated and withdrawn and feeling more relaxed and at ease in social situations.
4. It can heal and relieve pain
Oxytocin can even be used to heal wounds (since it is anti-inflammatory). Studies have also shown that a rise in oxytocin levels can relieve pain, anything from headaches to body aches and cramps. It can be useful to use the synthetic version for pain relief.
Yet another client of mine reported that his long term back pain had dramatically lessened after one Tantra massage session.
5. It might even help to keep us in good shape
In one study, researchers observed that oxytocin-receptor deficient mice became obese later in life – even with normal food intake. After being given oxytocin infusions, their weight returned to normal. Wow! Scientists believe that the hormone might be responsible for a series of beneficial metabolic effects in humans too.
(Ok, I don’t have an example for that one..!)
6. It’s an anti-depressant
It makes you feel gooooood! Researchers found that some new mothers experienced depression due to low levels of oxytocin. There is also potential for treating people with clinical depression and anxiety disorders using synthesized oxytocin.
I have lots of examples of this one, many clients report their depression seriously diminishing and feeling excited about life again. One client almost immediately stopped taking anti-depressants after years on the medication (don’t try this at home, folks! He’s a doctor, so he could do it safely!).
7. It’s a stress reliever
Of course it makes sense that oxytocin reduces stress, since it alleviates social anxiety and produces feelings of trust. This is significant because stress takes a huge toll on the body, eventually contributing to many other illnesses and diseases. Oxytocin has also been known to reduced cortisol in the body and lower blood pressure.
Clients sometimes come for treatments just to let go of stress and tension. I’ve found that activating the sexual energy in a slow, harmonious and peaceful way in a massage results in a deeper and more profound state of relaxation afterwards. At least, that is my experience when I receive Tantra massage: nothing makes me more relaxed and peaceful! Lucky I get them for free… 😉
So, what are you waiting for?
Go give someone a hug…
Exchange massage with your lover…
Cuddle with someone…
(even your dog or cat counts!)
or… come for a massage!
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