10 Nov Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction ~ Psychological
The inability to engage fully in the sex you want because you’re not able to get hard enough is frustrating – to say the least. Psychological erectile dysfunction can displace your whole romantic life. Has the concern you wont be able to get-it-up kept you from engaging erotically with anyone altogether? The fear and embarrassment of not getting hard can take a very heavy toll on your energy. Erectile disfunction issues can be shameful to look at, but together, I can help you literally overcome whats keeping you down. I want to help you understand your sexual self more fully and opening up to endless sexual possibilities.
Common Reasons
Understanding the most common reasons most men are unable to get hard is a great first start in uncovering what is happening for you. Below are three most common psychological reasons men experience not being able to get hard.
~ Performance anxiety
Fear of being a bad lover or being unable to please your partner.
~ Over impulse control
Over-riding your own sexual impulses. Not following what turns you on.
~ Emotional reverberations from difficult relationships
The connection between you and your partner does not allow you to feel safe and calm enough to relax into your pleasure.
Most men who struggle with psychological erectile disfunction often have some combination of these three. In our sessions, we uncover what is keeping you stuck. You will learn how to connect to your erotic energy more easily and fully, and bring yourself fulling into sexual experiences.
Erectile Dysfunction ~ Medical
You’ve visited the MD and they tell you “there is nothing we can do.” You feel concerned your sex life is over? What will your sex life look like if you are unable to get full erections? What will you tell your partner? Will you be able to find a partner?
In sessions together, we will help you better understand how to get what you can from what you have access to now. There are many sexual joys that you can still experience even with medical ED. Don’t wait one more day not experiencing the intimacy that you need.
Final thoughts
Erectile dysfunction can screw with how feel about yourself as a man. You deserve to have desire, connection and pleasure in your life. I have helped many men overcome this issue. Let’s get to the bottom of what is holding you back from connecting fully with your arousal.
Contact me today to get started learning how to own your erotic energy!
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