Sex Coaching
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Sex + Relationship Coaching

And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud
was more painful than the risk to bloom. —Anais Nin

Do you feel out of tune with your body or your sexuality?

Do you struggle with body image?

Do you constantly feel empty and engulfed in sexual shame?

Are you struggling to orgasm?

Olivia offers private Somatic Sex Education and Relationship Coaching sessions for individuals, couples, and small groups.  The form of these sessions are customized based on your history, intentions, and desires.  Our work is guided by your goals for sexual healing, erotic and emotional skill building, and relationship transformation.

Somatic means “of the body”.  Education comes from the Latin root e-ducere, meaning “to lead forth” or to “draw out”.  Somatic Sex Education and Relationship Coaching is the process of drawing out your inherent wisdom to refine your relationship with your sexuality and expand your potential for pleasure, passion, and authenticity.

Olivia uses hands-on, experiential, body-based learning.  Using breath, movement, conscious touch, communication, visualizations, and the science of Sexological Bodywork, she coaches individuals to be more connected and authentic in their sexuality and body.

Read what folks have to say about this work.

Why a Somatic approach to Sex Education and Relationship Coaching?

  • Talking about sex and relationships can lead to a shift in thinking.  Somatic education and coaching engages all the senses and can lead to whole body transformation!
  • Traditional talk therapists typically give homework like videos or readings.  Somatic experts create an environment in our sessions for practice and experience leading to erotic mastery.
  • Some folks spend years in talk therapy trying to understand the disconnect between their mind and body.  Because somatic education engages the whole body, your learning can be immediate and profound.  Imagine walking out of our session and taking what you learned into your life that same day!

What can you gain through Sex and Relationship Coaching?

  • Learning erotic embodiment can help you walk through the world with confidence and beauty, attracting the people and success you desire.
  • Trusting your own wisdom and speaking your desires can help you set clear and strong boundaries about what you want during sex, in your relationships, and in your profession.
  • When you learn to track your own arousal process, you can enjoy prolonged, deep erotic connections with yourself and your sexual partner/s.  Imagine breaking the cycle of mediocre sex and experience mind-blowing sex and intimacy!
  • Unlearn the stories of shame you carry and really see, hear, feel, taste yourself as the gorgeous person you are.  Write your own stories of power and fall in love with yourself.
  • Open your relationship and learn to enjoy more than one loving relationship at a time.
  • Dismantle painful communication patterns and create connection, desire, and passion through communication.


  • Overcome Self-Sabotage, Body Image Issues, Limiting Beliefs and Heal Trauma
  • Look in the mirror and not just tolerate what you see but LOVE what you see
  • Learn how to turn around the negative beliefs and self-talk holding you back
  • Reconnect with your body and sexuality
  • Find your desire and passion for sex and life
  • Heal the Guilt/Shame/Fear and Trauma that has left you feeling stuck
  • Learn to walk into your life without shame dragging you down
  • Reconnect with your Divine Inner Goddess
  • Explore different fantasies/desires


  • Reconnect with your Inner God
  • Get your Libido back
  • Overcome Self-Sabotage, Body Image Issues, Limiting Beliefs and Heal Trauma
  • Learn how to turn around the negative beliefs and self-talk holding you back
  • Regain confidence with yourself and the women in your life
  • Learn how to really connect with your partner
  • Get the How to’s with dating and relationships
  • Overcome sexual dysfunction
  • Explore different fantasies/desires
What methods do you use?

I love to intertwine different methods; it ensures that my coaching covers the individual needs of my clients.

I integrate contemporary coaching methods with ancient Tantric and Taoist practices. I work with: Body awareness and movement exercises, breath work, sexual communication skills, belief and body hacking methods, modern counseling and personal life coaching modalities, role-play, guided meditation, journaling, emotional release exercises, conscious Kama Sutra of Self-love practices, body love language exercises.

Do I need to talk about my personal sex life?

Yep! That’s what it’s all about. Of course everything we speak about stays confidential and is 100% safe with me. The sessions can only work if you let me know the details. Probably more than you’ve ever shared with your bestie.

I understand if that sounds a bit uncomfortable at first. It does for everyone, as we’re not conditioned to talk about those things, right? We’re all shy and rusty when it comes to that. But actually, talking about it is often the first step towards improving the situation.

What if I don’t get any benefits out of it and want the sessions to end before we agreed?

Working on your sexuality can trigger fear. Sometimes it conquers our actions and makes us decide things that aren’t necessarily beneficial for our evolution. I am all about honesty and I will check in with you from my heart to yours to find out whether the decision is coming from a place of fear or because we are simply not a good match.

But if you are not getting any benefits? Honestly, you would be the first. That’s why I’m not tying you into any contract. We can stop working together any time if you feel you’re not getting anything out of it.

Couldn’t I just read about sex (book or online) instead?
Sure, there are many great self-help books, online blogs & magazines on sexuality out there. I have noticed that many of my clients have already studied sexuality via those mediums intensely.

It may help to some extent, but often they feel overwhelmed by the different mix of messages and advice. There is a lot of confusion around sex and it’s not super easy to integrate knowledge directly from books. Especially when it comes to Tantric and conscious sexuality practices.

If you have ever worked with a coach you will know the transformative benefits of having a heart-to-heart conversation and the accountability that keeps you motivated to take action.

Do I need to be in a relationship for this session to work?
No, not at all. I will actually recommend you a lot of empowering methods which need to be performed alone.

Are you ready to transform?

Here are the next steps:

  1. Fill out my application form below, so I can get a good idea if I can be of service.
  2. I get a first glimpse and get back to you and we schedule a free Exploratory Call.
  3. We meet on Zoom the phone for a 15-minute call, get to know each other and see if we are a good fit.