Inner Alchemy for Men
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Inner Alchemy Men

Explore the Depth and Power of your Inner Self
Somatic Tantra Intimacy Coaching Men

Now ask yourself:

  • What is your Purpose? What is the Highest Intention of your journey into this life?
  • What is your Heart’s desire?
  • Do you want women to desire you and want to be with you?
  • Do you want to know the Secrets to be the best lover, please your partner and send her into Deep Ecstasy transcending the sense of Time, Space and Thought?

Wellit takes more than techniques.

If you really want to open your lover up, you’re going to have to do it with everything you’ve got: your Eyes, your Breath, your Touch, your Sexual Passion and most importantly, your steady Loving Presence.

Today being a great lover is more challenging than it has ever been. A woman today doesn’t want just sex, she wants great love-making, which includes physical, spiritual and emotional nourishment. However, often women do not ask for what they want, either because she doesn’t know what she wants or because she is afraid she will hurt you. And often you do not ask because you are supposed to know, even if your sexual education might be limited to some porno.

After your session with Olivia you will be more attuned to your Source, Heart and Core Centre and from that space aligned to your Higher Purpose. You will know how to satisfy your lover and yourself not just physically but on every level: Body, Mind, Heart and Soul. This will bring more Joy, Love and Pleasure into your life and the one of your lover, and will fulfil your deepest yearnings.

It’s about learning Heart skills, skills that combine Sexual Passion with Love and deep Intimacy that can turn love-making into a Sacred Experience and allow you to create the life you love.

Area of Focus:

  • The Energy of Desire
  • Deep presence
  • The Responsibility of Growth in your Relationship
  • The Power of being Vulnerable
  • Understand women behind their words (what she wants might not be what she says)
  • How to hold space for your lover
  • Acquaint yourself with your sensations and feelings: with your body and heart
  • Secrets for longer lasting love-making (in the bedroom & beyond)
  • Experience whole body energetic orgasm
  • Harmony of your Inner Polarity
  • How to be authentic and courageous to live with an open heart
  • The Power of Sexual Polarity
  • The secrets of sexual fulfilment
  • Tantric sexual communication skills
  • Your eternal wisdom
  • Tantric heart-to-heart connection
  • Keys to turn sex in to love-making and a sacred experience
  • How to use self-pleasuring as a tool for becoming a master lover
  • Tantric lovemaking meditation
  • Erotic Tantric massage skills
  • Learn how a woman or a man functions sexually and emotionally

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. – Lao Tzu

The session is tailored to your individual interests and needs.

Sessions may also include homework, recommended reading and additional practices.


  • Remove sexual blocks
  • Activate sexual energy in an healthy vital way
  • Expand your capacity as a lover and be the Best Lover
  • Attract Remarkable Women into Your Life
  • Success in Dating
  • Navigate through relationship issues in a conscious way
  • Spirituality that is grounded into every-day life
  • Improve relationships with all people in your life, even small interactions
  • Connect to Universal Love and bringing more of that into your life
  • Access higher states of Bliss and Consciousness and dissolution into the Universe
  • Overcome erectile challenges and premature ejaculation
  • Learn to satisfy your partner on every level: physical, mental, spiritual


Purchase now a Special Gift Voucher for your son, brother, husband, father, uncle, grandfather, best friends and any beloved man in your life. Contact Olivia to request it.

Important Note:

Please note that no “happy-ending massages” or sexual intercourse is involved in any session. The sessions are conducted fully-clothed and tailored to your individual needs.

Please note that Olivia love holding space for man as far as it is clear your Intention and you approach her from a space of Integrity, Honesty and Respect. If she will feel that she cannot be of service, she will refer you to another professional that she deeply trusts.

The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively. – Bob Marley