Private Tantra Massage Training
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Private massage workshops are teaching sessions based around private Tantra Massage sessions with the two partners in a couple participating. If your partner wishes to learn how to give you a Tantra Massage, this is a perfect opportunity. Two friends can also choose to learn together, using each other as models for practice. How do you know that you want to learn? First come and receive a session, then you can learn to share this gift with others. If you want to learn to give, first you need to learn to receive!

Stages of the Teaching Sessions

I recommend beginning teaching sessions only after both partners have already had private Tantra Massage sessions. When your partner is there, you are not there just for yourself but also for him or her. Sometimes this may put you into a less receptive and open mood, as you may feel “studied” and therefore, not as free to either explore your feelings and sexual responses or to express them.

Sometimes other factors emerge, including jealousy (a woman’s screams of ecstasy during her massage may activate the jealousy of her partner, since this has not happened with him), other relationship tensions, the wish not to disappoint one’s partner, etc. It is more ideal to have a partner attend your second session, at which time he or she can begin to observe, learn how to offer, watch from beginning to end and take notes, and possibly become involved in the massage in small ways at certain points, trying out the techniques and allowing me to verify their correct practice and offer helpful tips.

During the second session, our approach will become more methodical, with more explanation, theory, and demonstration. I guide and initiate you with my hands as I instruct you on aspects of communication: what to say and when to say it to the recipient, how to support him or her, how to be a better giver, what to focus on while giving, what to bring from yourself when giving. You’ll be guided to give from the heart, putting your ego and any selfish needs aside, to be present only to give and support your partner in this sacred journey. This session should be done at least once; twice is even better in order to refresh your memory, reinforce the practice, and learn new techniques.

In the third session (or fourth, as you have chosen): You will give the whole massage by yourself while I sit beside and guide you, giving you support and adjustment, tips, encouragement, and demonstrations if need be. You will thus give the whole session from beginning to end with my support, asking for my assistance whenever you feel it is needed, and I will support you in any way requested.

In each session, it is preferable to focus on only one partner, unless you have chosen to book double sessions, which involve both partners. However, I don’t recommend this if you aren’t pressed by time constraints. Normally people don’t want to give after receiving Tantra Massage; they are enjoying the very special aftereffects of the experience and would not choose to be propelled into an active role so quickly.

You Will Also Learn…

This Private Tantra Massage Training Workshop is also a Tantra Workshop in practice. I will introduce you to the practices of consecration, transfiguration, connecting through the breath, eye gazing, various exercises in communication, and of course ample guidance in the sacred art of touch.

I invite you to explore Tantra Massage in this way so that you can bring it farther into the world, to touch the heart and soul of the one you love with this beautiful practice of awakening!